1977-1978 AAPOS President, Bronze Medalist
Robison D. Harley, MD (1911-2007)
Renowned pediatric ophthalmologist, Dr. (Rob) Harley was admired as a man for all seasons. Born in New Jersey, he earned an MD at the University of Pennsylvania, and a PhD at the University of Minnesota. Serving in the United States Army’s Panama Canal Zone during World War II, he developed an interest in tropical diseases, volunteering to treat leprosy patients. After joining his father’s practice, he left private practice to establish the first pediatric ophthalmology department at Temple Medical School and became chairman of ophthalmology at Temple University. He then started a pediatric ophthalmology department at Wills Eye Hospital. Dr. Harley received numerous honors and awards, and published many articles, and his book ‘Harley’s Pediatric Ophthalmology’. As a man of broad horizons, he is valued for generously volunteering and inspiring others to help those less fortunate, participating with Project Hope, Care Medico, and Project ORBIS.