
AAPOS Welcomes You to Ophthalmology


You’ve made a great choice, and we’re excited for you to join our challenging and rewarding profession. Read a welcome letter from our president and learn how to dive deeper in pediatric practice. 

Fellowship Training

List of Pediatric Ophthalmology Fellowships


Fellowship match is managed through SFMatch.

Best Practices for Mentees

    Ask for what you want

    As another saying goes, you don’t get what don’t ask for. Be specific about your needs, understanding not every potential mentor may be a perfect fit.

    Define success

    Paint a picture for your mentor of what success looks like. Do you want to practice in academic setting or private practice? Solo, or with a large group? Do you want to focus solely on clinical activities, or spend half of your time doing research? Letting the mentor know your goals will help them provide the best advice and connections.

    Share your weaknesses as well as your strengths

    Mentoring should lead to professional growth, and that growth happens fastest when you are honest about your shortcomings and seek feedback on how to overcome them. The more your mentor knows, the more they can help.


    Your mentor wants you to succeed. Take their recommendations to heart and encourage the mentor to hold you accountable.