2010-2011 AAPOS President, Bronze Medalist
David A. Plager, MD
Dr. Plager is Professor of Ophthalmology at Indiana University, director of the pediatric ophthalmology fellowship program and ophthalmology section at Riley Children’s Hospital. He served as AAPOS President and has been awarded the Honor, Senior Honor and Lifetime Achievement awards from AAPOS. He has also been awarded the Achievement, Senior Achievement, Lifetime Achievement and Secretariat awards from the AAO. Other leadership activities in ophthalmic societies include being a charter member of the Pediatric Clinical Committee of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, a member of the Board of Directors of CEF, and President of the American Eye Study Club. Dr. Plager has authored almost 100 peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters and monographs and delivered over 225 presentations at National and International ophthalmic meetings. In his spare time, he serves as ophthalmologist for the Indianapolis Colts who awarded him Super Bowl rings in 2006 and 2009.